

SBA Monthly Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars – November 2019


Become a Better Business Using 3 Top Marketing Trends

Thursday, November 7, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EDT

The average consumer, and that includes every small business owner, is bombarded with approximately 5,000 ads every day. So how do you break through the clutter?

本次网络研讨会由市场营销专家Sandra Holtzman介绍,将提供即时可行的想法,这些想法是当前趋势,可以牢固地将您的产品或服务植入消费者的脑海中.

You will learn:

  1. 如何将新的品牌规则应用到你的业务中,使你保持与时俱进

  2. 为什么讲故事不仅能突破混乱,还能抓住顾客的心和钱包

  3. 体验式营销如何让你的客户对你的产品产生情感,为什么这很重要






Tuesday, November 12, 2019 from 11am to 12 noon EST

本课程涵盖了小企业管理局(SBA)为退伍军人提供的帮助创业和发展业务的项目和服务. Although the SBA is usually associated with loans, 该概述将贯穿SBA贷款计划以及我们的其他计划和服务,包括咨询, Export Assistance, Government Contracting, SuretyBonds, and Disaster Assistance. 其中一些服务面向所有企业,而另一些则专门针对退伍军人.





Tuesday, November 12, 2019 from 1pm to 2 noon EST

Funding is a key component to the growth of any startup.  你的业务需要原型、专利、商标、网站、库存等等.  With so many different types of funding options available, do you know which is best for your business?

In this webinar, SLC集团控股的首席商品官Dara Trujillo将分享天使投资的基本方面,这将帮助你轻松决定何时寻找天使投资者以及为什么.

You’ll learn: 

  • What Angel Investors look for?

  • How to prepare for and talk to an Angel Investor

  • How to find investors?

  • The myths, pros and cons about investors




7 Ways For Your Small Business To Make Money on Amazon

Thursday, November 21, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

世界各地数以百万计的中小企业在亚马逊上销售商品. 然而,这并不是你从这个庞大的零售巨头那里受益的唯一方式.

Join this webinar presented by inventor, entrepreneur and eCommerce expert Tara Darnley, 作为产品或服务提供商,谁将分享你的企业利用亚马逊作为渠道来增加收入的7种关键方法.


Participants will learn:

  • Top categories to sell on Amazon

  • How you can use your expertise/skill to profit from Amazon

  • Trending services that will do well in 2020

  • Profiting from Amazon as an influencer

  • And more




Show me the money - Financing options for your small business

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 from 11am to 12pm EST

这门课讨论了创办和发展小企业的多种资金来源. The pros and cons of the funding sources are reviewed. 讨论的话题包括大家熟悉的选择,如自筹资金、朋友资助 & family, and partnerships. Other sources are reviewed such as:

• Small Business Loans

• SBA Loan Guaranty Program

• Microloans

还讨论了一些不太传统的融资来源及其优缺点, including selling equity (shares), venture capital, angel investors, and crowd funding.





Year-End Tax Planning for Your Business

Thursday, November 14, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

While the year is winding down, 你还有时间采取行动,对2019年的税单产生积极影响. 这些行为涉及到你的员工、你的客户、你的设备和你的运营.

律师和多产作家芭芭拉·韦尔特曼将讨论不断变化的税法景观, with new rules from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, as well as other legislation and IRS pronouncements.

You’ll  learn:

Which tax breaks apply to you and how to nail them down now

  • 在设备和机器上的投资如何产生重大的冲销
  • What retirement plan options to consider
  • Which type of health coverage arrangement should be used




Next Level Branding Hacks to Promote Your Business Online

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

Sometimes a brand works in the “real world” but fails when online.  数字世界是巨大的,今天的客户正变得更年轻,更精通技术,更知情. 向比以往任何时候都聪明的消费者销售产品或服务都很困难, challenging, and requires a higher level of creativity.

In this session, presented by digital marketing expert Juntae DeLane, 您将学习创建更好的数字品牌的高级技巧,这将提高您的客户获取.

Some of the next level strategies being covered will include:

How to properly build a digital brand

  • Leveraging mico-moments on social media to increase visibility

  • 消费者行为的转变会影响你的内容策略

  • Creating content that social media algorithms actually like

  • 为什么它不再是关于产品和服务,而是关于品牌

  • How to shift from being transactional to experiential





Marketing Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Business

鬼魂、小妖精和食尸鬼并不是唯一能困扰小企业主的东西. 许多企业家都犯了一些常见的营销错误,这些错误可能会给他们的企业带来可怕的后果. 你是在让这些营销混乱把你的客户吓跑吗?

Read more 



Market Research

你有一个很棒的产品或服务,但是谁是你的客户,你怎样才能接触到他们? 参加SBA的免费在线课程,了解如何识别您的客户以及如何向他们推销.

How to Buy a Business

Are you thinking about buying a business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何确定企业价值以及如何转让企业所有权.

How to Prepare a Loan Package

Are you thinking about securing a loan for your small business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何准备贷款包.

Launch the course



Blogs and Recorded Business Training Videos







Answers to 5 Questions about Overtime Rules




Recorded webinars from SCORE - http://www.score.org/recorded-webinars


SBA Learning Center - http://www.sba.gov/learning-center


About the Author


Florida Hospital Sebring, Lake Placid & Wauchula Part of a 2016 Most Wired Health System

Florida Hospital Sebring, Lake Placid & Wauchula Part of a 2016 Most Wired Health System


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SBA简报:经济损失灾难贷款-事件:冻结,霜冻, & Ice

SBA简报:经济损失灾难贷款-事件:冻结,霜冻, & Ice

U.S. 小企业管理局情况简报-经济损失灾害贷款(sba灾害贷款)...

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Highlands County Enhances Digital Economic Development Efforts

Highlands County Enhances Digital Economic Development Efforts


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新闻稿:佛罗里达州经济机会部门奖励超过1个,000 Small Business Bridge Loans

新闻稿:佛罗里达州经济机会部门奖励超过1个,000 Small Business Bridge Loans


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South Florida State College Garners $2.7 Million for Heartland Pathways 2 Success Project

South Florida State College Garners $2.7 Million for Heartland Pathways 2 Success Project

SFSC是全美61所获得此类资助的学院和大学之一. In fac...

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通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, 同时促进现有企业和行业的保留和成功扩展.

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Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651